Вид тренировки

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Вид тренировки - это вид тренировки, который вы можете использовать в приложении Prana Breath для достижения своих целей, то есть либо дыхательная сессия или медитация.

Breathing session

Breathing session is the actual breathing gymnastics practice, that consists of breath cycles only, or of the combination of breath cycles and repose cycles (combining them is available for Guru version only).
All 8 default training patterns are breathing sessions, as well as most of preset patterns that you can download from our wiki database.


Meditation is the relaxation/contemplative practice, that consists of repose cycles only, or of the combination of repose cycles and breath cycles (combining them is available for Guru version only).

How to choose training kind

Please follow those instructions, while creating the new custom training, or watch the video below.

How to change training kind

  1. Choose the certain training type.
  2. Then follow those instructions please.