Translations:Control tab/16/ru
From Olekdia Wiki
На экране
- График тренировки, который появится и во вкладке "Тренировка".
- Мандала вашего общего уровня тренировки (для этого конкретного паттерна).
- Реальный хронометраж данного дыхательного цикла.
- Показатель "Дыханий в минуту".
- Порядковый номер цикла (стрелки по бокам служат для навигации).
- Training type, with the menu item on the right.
- Complexity level, if applicable for this training type.
- Training duration, either in amount of time or of cycles. The "Sand clock" button right to this item lets you to set the duration using another measure.
- Ratio of breath cycle, with the button on the right that is a shortcut for advanced ratio settings.
- Seconds per ratio unit value.
- Preparing time, in seconds.
- Breath methods (for downloaded/custom trainings in Guru version only).
- Chants (for downloaded/custom trainings in Guru version only).
- Sound settings for this particular training. If you see "As usual", that means they are the very same as general sound settings in Sounds tab. Right to this item there is the "Music note" button, that is a shortcut for general "Sounds tab".
- Note for this training type.
- Big purple button in bottom right corner for creating a new custom training and for downloading patterns from the wiki database.