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Prana Breath: Calm & Meditate
Increase mindfulness, improve health, fight stress with breathing & meditation
Dive into breathing techniques that are approved by ancient traditions, by modern science and by million+ of our users! Use the power of breathing and meditation to increase your mindfulness and live a better life. It doesn't matter whether you do Yoga, dieting, diving, or not, - you will see the positive impact anyway, for only 7-15 minutes a day!
What does it do?
- Improves brain activity: memory, attention, concentration
- Relieves anxiety
- Develops resistance to stress, develops physical endurance
- Eliminates evening appetite attacks, thus helps to have a healthy weight
- Decreases the frequency of cold, migraine and asthma attacks
- Promotes healthy sleep
- Improves vocal and breath hold time, thus is good for singer and diver
Why Prana Breath?
- Absolutely no advertisement
- Fast, optimized, battery saving
- Eenvoudig - klik net op "play", maak jou oë toe en laat die klank jou lei
- Opsie om die skerm af te sit gedurende opleiding
- 8 asemhalings patrone vir verskillende doeleindes
- Opsie om jou eie skemas te skep
- Verrykde statistiek
- Herinneringe om 'n gerieflike opleidings skedule te skep.
- Meeste van die skemas stam van Pranayama, Sufi en Tibetaanse asemhalings gebruike af.
- Unieke "Anti-Aptyt" opleiding, om jou te help om teen emosionele ooreet te baklei
- Eksklusiewe "Cigarette replace", ontwerp deur Simone Righini, om jou te help om op te hou rook.
Addisioneel vir die Guru weergawe:
- Dynamic trainings for smooth improvement & for sophisticated patterns
- Uiteenlopende asemhalings metodes en mantras
- Detailed progress chart and training log
- Gesondheids toetse
- Verrykte funksies en meer klanke.
- Gereëlde opgedateerde databasis met meer as 50 opleidings skemas, by voorbeeld: 4-7-8 asemhaling, Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, Nadi Shodhana, Tummo, Udgeeth, ens.
Wetenskaplike bewyse:
In-app products strings
Guru vir 'n leeftyd
Guru vir 3 maande
Guru vir 1 jaar (60% afslag)
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