Бастрика е допълнителна настройка за тренировъчен вид в приложението Дишай Прана, което е на разположение в Гуру Версията.
Download: Bhastrika.trng |
- укрепва на белите дробове
- намалява на астматичните атаки
- детоксикация на кръвта
- окислява бързо кръвта, като по този начин премахва умората
- затопляне на тялото
- подобрява имунната система
- премахва лека астма, (споделят потребителите ни).
Origin, history
This training type, as well as "Harmony" and "Power", is derived from Pranayama, an ancient Vedic technique of breathing gymnastics, and is translated from Sanskrit as "Bellows", because the stomach movement reminds the working blacksmith's bellows. It is also called "Breath of Fire", or just "Firebreath".
In Prana Breath this training type is adapted even for people that don't practice Yoga and/or don't have much time for practice but still need its effect.
Setting the training
- Download this pattern if you don't have it yet.
- Choose this pattern in Training tab or Control tab.
- Set the optimal training complexity so the training brings you joy, yet doesn't seem too easy. Use the options in Control tab and/or Dynamic tab to adjust all parameters.
Training process
- Choose the comfortable position.
- Empty your lungs, breathing out with effort ("Prepare").
- Inhale deep and fast with your nose, visualizing white/golden/silver Prana penetrates your body.
- Exhale fast and strong, imagining dark, mud-colored fumes of negative energy leaving your body.
- After 20 cycles of fast breathing, perform slow full inhaling with your right nostril.
- Retain the air.
- Exhale slowly with your left nostril.
- Inhale slowly and deeply with your left nostril.
- Retain the air.
- Exhale slowly with your right nostril.
- Keep breathing like in steps 3-10 till the end of your training session.
- After you're done, you might take some time for meditating and contemplating yourself.
- You might increase the set of fast breaths (up to 60 cycles) once you are comfortable with the amount provided.
- NB! Please be aware that you might become dizzy and light-headed during the practice, so make sure you do this pattern in the safe environment (no driving, no diving, no water of fire nearby, etc.).
Други въпроси
Колко време трябва да тренирам? Как мога да комбинирам този модел с друг? Трябва ли винаги да вдишам през носа?
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