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Message definition (Singer )
== Setting the training == # [[Special:MyLanguage/Training_type#How_to_get_new_patterns|Download those patterns]] if you don't have them yet. # Choose this pattern of a certain stage in [[Special:MyLanguage/Training_tab|Training tab]] or [[Special:MyLanguage/Control_tab|Control tab]]. # It is recommended to start practicing from the very first stage, even though it might seem very easy, and move on to the next exercise once you are absolutely comfortable with the current one. Practice the exercise once or twice a day to have a significant progress. Note that it might take more time to move on to the next exercise than it took to transfer to the current one.
== Setting the training ==
# [[Special:MyLanguage/Training_type#How_to_get_new_patterns|Download those patterns]] if you don't have them yet.
# Choose this pattern of a certain stage in [[Special:MyLanguage/Training_tab|Training tab]] or [[Special:MyLanguage/Control_tab|Control tab]].
# It is recommended to start practicing from the very first stage, even though it might seem very easy, and move on to the next exercise once you are absolutely comfortable with the current one. Practice the exercise once or twice a day to have a significant progress. Note that it might take more time to move on to the next exercise than it took to transfer to the current one.
Translation == Подготовка к тренировке == # [[Special:MyLanguage/Training_type#How_to_get_new_patterns|Скачайте данный паттерн]], если у вас его еще нет. # Выберите отдельное упражнение из этого паттерна во вкладке [[Special:MyLanguage/Training_tab|"Тренировка"]] или [[Special:MyLanguage/Control_tab|"Управление"]]. # Рекомендуется начинать с самого первого упражнения, даже если оно кажется слишком легким, и переходить к следующему только тогда, когда текущее выполняется без малейшего дискомфорта. Для ощутимого прогресса стоит практиковать раз, а лучше - два раза в день. Заметим, что переход к новому упражнению может занять больше времени, чем его понадобилось для перехода к теперешнему.