Revision as of 17:21, 19 April 2018
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Message definition (Comfortable position )
== Lying == Laying down in a relaxed way is a good choice if you are unable to maintain a straight back position during the whole breathing session. Also it's useful for relaxation, and in case you practice to fall asleep faster.<br> Lay down on your back with your arms and legs placed wide enough so you are comfortable. Close your eyes, focus on your breath and scan your body for muscular tension of any kind and release the tension once found. Give more attention to your face muscles, as usually they are ones that create the strongest tension. Once you are done with the practice, stretch your body and turn on the side to switch to fetal pose. Then you can stand on your knees and stand up. * It is named ''Shavasana'' in Sanskrit, and means "Corpse pose". It is the best body position for relieving stress and hustle mind, yet the proper degree of relaxation takes time to be achieved. * You can bend your knees, keeping the feet hip-width apart, if you have low back pain. <div class="responsive-img"> [[File:shavasana_pos.png|center]] </div>
== Lying ==
Laying down in a relaxed way is a good choice if you are unable to maintain a straight back position during the whole breathing session. Also it's useful for relaxation, and in case you practice to fall asleep faster.<br>
Lay down on your back with your arms and legs placed wide enough so you are comfortable. Close your eyes, focus on your breath and scan your body for muscular tension of any kind and release the tension once found. Give more attention to your face muscles, as usually they are ones that create the strongest tension. Once you are done with the practice, stretch your body and turn on the side to switch to fetal pose. Then you can stand on your knees and stand up.
* It is named ''Shavasana'' in Sanskrit, and means "Corpse pose". It is the best body position for relieving stress and hustle mind, yet the proper degree of relaxation takes time to be achieved.
* You can bend your knees, keeping the feet hip-width apart, if you have low back pain.
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Translation == Лежа == Хорошим выбором может быть расслабленное лежание на спине (Шавасана), если вы не можете долго сидеть с прямой спиной, или цель тренировки - релаксация и/или быстрое засыпание. Лежа
Хорошим выбором может быть расслабленное лежание на спине (Шавасана), если вы не можете долго сидеть с прямой спиной, или цель тренировки - релаксация и/или быстрое засыпание.