Prana Breath 3.4

From Olekdia Wiki
Other languages:
  • 3-months subscription for Guru version available
  • Added possibility to share your level/experience anytime
  • New special reminder sound
  • “Rate app” menu item is now removable
  • Preparing time is shown in the circle in “Training” tab
  • Fixed memory leaks and bugs

Added for the Guru-version:

  • Unlimited training duration (maximum 999 minutes or cycles)
  • 2 new transition sound styles
  • No [Guru] suffix anymore in sound choice dialogs
  • Breath method indicator now can be positioned at any place on the screen in Training tab (touch and hold)
  • Breath method can be chosen only for phases available in a breath pattern
  • More accurate statistic for “breath per minute” parameter
  • Implemented right drawer menu for convenient settings of the each cycle in Dynamic mode

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